So just one more of these to go and I'll be done with this blasted self-imposed project. I wanted to see if I could do four paintings of similar theme, in this case, a photo booth, without becoming so sick of the repetitivness that I would scrap the whole thing... I think I'll take leo's advice and make the fourth painting a person leaving the booth.
yeah, this is cool..... look like a comic strip almost..leo been giving some awesome advice lately......that guy has an art director kind of advice, every one's on point! well it was nice talking to you, your super cool in my book!
Hey vic
Kewl blog, i'm almost convinced that everyone from art center got one, haha, I want to see your work in person, come to claremont!~ by the way, david amico wants to encourage you too, isn't he a funny guy,
wait.. i'm not steve... i'm julienne.. i didn't mean to confuse you, but he use my laptop to check his gmails and never log out....so, its JULIENNE! :)
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