Thursday, June 19, 2008

super awkward newish paintings

The middle one I actually wanted to toss, but David Amico wouldn't let me so I rolled it up and gave it to him. The figure on the very right has a yellow balloon as its head, but I never got around to taking a photo of it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I am a work in progress

Things for me to work on this summer:

Building better canvases that don't warp and getting over my fear of the table saw/ other power tools

Finding a solution to making a support for my fish collage/painting before I have to submit it to some potential show in which I have no idea how to hang.

Focus on buffing up my craftsmanship and technique with painting

Re-learning tolerance and patience towards others

Not hurling projectiles at bill

also, on a totally random note, this video is stunning. I found it on moto atom's website.