Thursday, June 19, 2008

super awkward newish paintings

The middle one I actually wanted to toss, but David Amico wouldn't let me so I rolled it up and gave it to him. The figure on the very right has a yellow balloon as its head, but I never got around to taking a photo of it.


Unknown said...

beeki! i'm bored at work during after work hours so i browsed by your site. very nice. :) hope everything's going well with you!

sophan said...

hey, these look great vicky.....
keep them coming!

it's going to be so awesome when rei comes in town.
back yard jam session

Arree Chung said...

hey vicky!

are you familiar with peter blake's work? these new paintings remind me of some of his paintings. they are very interesting.

ya, time to catch up again, how about next week or this weekend? call me.