Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I am a work in progress

Things for me to work on this summer:

Building better canvases that don't warp and getting over my fear of the table saw/ other power tools

Finding a solution to making a support for my fish collage/painting before I have to submit it to some potential show in which I have no idea how to hang.

Focus on buffing up my craftsmanship and technique with painting

Re-learning tolerance and patience towards others

Not hurling projectiles at bill

also, on a totally random note, this video is stunning. I found it on moto atom's website.


Unknown said...

dude, i need to get over my fear of power tools as well but when it comes to you and me there's a REASON why we're scared to use them......y

Victorytea said...
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Victorytea said...

yeah, there should be a law against us using very fast moving sharp things. I once held that axe in our backyard and everyone ran away from me because no one trusted me with it.